Thursday, February 6, 2020

Joan/Doris…her deeds and words will follow her forever!

Some words from my sister Ruth, via her Facebook page, Feb 2020…we shall never forget the behoto copies of the letters and put them in an envelope and mailed to them to me.
I took them to the District Attorney and they instituted harassment charges against her. BUT the judge dismissed the case - DESPITE THE EVIDENCE SHE WAS SENDING ELECTED OFFICIALS LIES ABOUT ME. One of the letters was to an person in upper management of my employer! The judge dismissed the charges saying "Sisters should get long." (yeah, my own sister).
This bozo judge, instead of censuring my sister, gave her permission to continue to harass me. The harassment continued for another 17 years. The last incident happened in late 2012, where she called my employer again - accusing me of committing computer fraud! My employer investigated the accusations and exonerated me.
During those 17 years, letters were sent to my husband, via his mother's house, telling him to break up with me. I received a letter from her in 1997, stating that my husband got the next door neighbor pregnant -- (a vacant house). And more false police reports.
She also wrote her autobiography, and had it published thru a vanity press. The book was 1/4 about her and 3/4 of trashing me, lying about me, and even mocking me about my miscarriage.I sent actual police and court documents to the publishers, proving she lied about me in the book, and it was successfully pulled from publication.
Since 2012, she hasn't done much, but I have no guarantee that she won't start up again. At least she can't call the hospital to get me fired anymore. When I retired, I took that toy away from her.
What would have stopped her behavior? A fucking couple of nights in jail right in the beginning. Instead, the judge, despite having the evidence right in front of her, dismissed the charges and allowed a narcissistic sociopath pathological liar to wreak havoc in my life for another 17 years.
WHERE was justice for me? Where was MY right to have a life where I could pursue libery and justice?
My sister's other beef with me is that when our mom died (I was 3 years old, she was 3 months old) our dad gave her up for adoption, but kept me, my older brother, and my two older sisters. (my sisters also were harassed by her, but I have been her main target). She views her adoption as herself having been 'legally kidnapped' and her life was ruined. And she wants to punish me and my other sisters for her being adopted out of the family, and we were not. Uh, we had nothing to do with it, I was 3 years old, my sisters were 8 and 9.
Early in his 2016 presidential campaign, I recognized the signs and pegged Trump as a narcissistic sociopath and pathological liar, long before doctors and experts around the country said so. Trump and my sister are mentally ill. Their brains are not wired like normal people. They do not think like normal people. They will NOT change. They do NOT feel remorse, they will NOT learn lessons, unless the law comes down on them hard.
One could argue that they didn't ask to born that way - they have a 'disease.' Fine - put them on medication, and when they break the law, behind bars.
I'm a victim of a mentally ill person -- but MY rights have been trampled on left and right since 1993 when my sister began her campaign of hate towards me. I've had her in front of judges 3 times. In 1995, 1999, and 2013. The judge in the 1999 case gave gave me an one year order of protection. The judges in the 1995 and the 2013 cases, both dismissed the charges.I was victimized by my sister AND the courts. Where are MY rights?
And now, in voting that Trump is not guilty on the articles of impeachment, the Republicans have given Trump permission to shit all over America.
I can't even begin to tell you how pissed and disappointed I am.

From <>

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