Thursday, May 10, 2018

A new Facebook page and new blog, by our favorite struggling adoptee!

Yes, Joan M Wheeler/Doris M Sippel is STILL struggling with her identity!

She’s attempted to get submissions from other adoptees to publish another book, under Identity Press, but she hasn’t gotten any, so she came up with yet another brain-storm.

As of March 2018, she has a new Facebook page and in April 2018 she has a new blog!

She obviously thinks that she, and she alone, can change the face of adoption, with the goal of its elimination, on the backs of her lies against two families (birth and adopted).  And she’s conned yet another organization for her use… Sewing Souls Studios (356 S. Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY). Bet they don’t know about the contents in her book she self-published!

As stated below, Joan/Doris
‘presented the first Adoptees Identity Workshop in 2016 during the two-month long process of legally re-claiming the name given to her at birth’…

Wow…she really does NEED to tell the WORLD about her struggle!

And she does this under, her own words here, to ‘promote public awareness of adoption and to motivate change’! Wow!! I can see the entire world eliminating the institutions of adoption, with these workshops! NOT.

So let’s take a look see on how she plans to make these great changes …

Welcome to Adoptees’ Identity Workshops
The first Adoptees Identity Workshop was held in 2016. The goals are: 1 - to increase awareness of the role of identity theft in adoption. 2- to change public opinion. 3 - to promote adoptee access to sealed records. 4 – to take action against discriminatory laws that annul and replace birth certificates of every adoptee

Participants are guided in a paired-partner roll-play to learn how adoption changes adoptees’ identities. Discussion and refreshments follows.

Adoptees’ Identity Workshop  March 22 at 10:22pm ·
Thank you to all who have Liked this page so far! The invites also include members of my adoptive family - and I do want to say that while we grieve the loss of our dear cousin (and father and uncle), I hope you know Ed supported me. I know my adoptive family may be confused, I hope you are not hurt. In reclaiming my name, I am not disowning my family - families. Love to all! Thank you!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Saturday, March 24, 2018
CONTACT: Doris Michol Sippel, Adoptees’ Identity Workshop Organizer, 716-713-39874,

Community Gathers To Learn About the Stolen Civil Rights of Adopted People

BUFFALO, NY – Buffalo will host its second Adoptees’ Identity Workshop, SATURDAY, March 24 at 2:00 p.m. inside Sewing Souls Studios (356 S. Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY). In this experiential workshop developed and led by adoptee Doris Michol Sippel, participants will be guided in a paired-partner roll-play to learn how adoption changes adoptees’ identities. After the roll-play, Ms. Sippel will present her own revoked and sealed birth certificate and its replacement issued upon her adoption. A brief description of pending New York State legislation for adoptees’ access to revoked and sealed birth records will be presented. A brief Q & A will conclude the session.

Refreshments will be served. $10 donation to cover supplies. The workshop/discussion group is open to all, both adopted and not-adopted people are welcome.

The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate that adoption strips away identity civil rights of adoptees by replacing birth certificates and by preventing adoptees from accessing the sealed record of birth. In New York State, revoked and sealed and replaced records became law in 1935 as a means of hiding illegitimacy. Today, even though the stigma of illegitimacy is lessened somewhat, newborn adoptions are still prevalent. However, many adoptions today involve older children out of foster care or children adopted by a step-parent. Some adoptees are half or full orphans.

Doris Michol Sippel, author of her memoir, Forbidden Family: An Adopted Woman’s Struggle for Identity, presented the first Adoptees Identity Workshop in 2016 during the two-month long process of legally re-claiming the name given to her at birth. “I re-claimed my name, but my birth certificate is still locked up. There is no reason why I should be prevented from full civil rights restoration to my actual medical record of birth. When I was born in 1956, I had a name, two parents, and a home,” says Doris Sippel. “Three months after my birth, my mother died. My father was given no supports, no alternatives, adoption was his only choice. In exchange for a new home, New York State automatically revoked and sealed my birth certificate, gave me a new name, new parents, and a new birth certificate. That is the key detail most people don’t realize when they think about adoption. Adoption is not about providing a new home to a child in need (kinship care and guardianship can do that); adoption requires the adopted person to become someone else. The law forbids adopted people access to the document that proves we were born. This is a civil rights violation and discrimination against all people who are adopted.”

With critical legislation currently in debate in Albany, Doris Michol Sippel launched the new Adoptees Identity Workshop to promote public awareness of adoption and to motivate change.

Jo Swanson…I can't be there, but feel free to use any memes or quotations from my Adoptee Civil Rights Resource Center page if they can be of use to you.

Adoptees’ Identity Workshop Thank you! I know most of my friends won't be able to make it! Most live so very far away!

Jay Gilpatrick … Seems to me that if the biological parents and adopted children all want to meet sometime there should be a way to legally make that happen

Adoptees’ Identity Workshop We've been working on this since 1953! A lot of history here! However, searching and reunion are separate from revoking and sealing then replacing birth certificates. Come to the workshop to find out! I'm limping, but walking now - sometimes using the cane... We do have to get together!

Jay Gilpatrick … Glad you're feeling better Doris. We're planning to be at the March for your Lives at Niagara Square tomorrow at 1:30. Sorry I didn't get back to you last night. I went to sleep. Hoping and praying that limp goes away too. Can we meet up another time?

Adoptees’ Identity Workshop Jay Gilpatrick Yes. I will be hosting the same workshop next month!

Jennifer Sarro…Kudos on the workshop! As a small point of legal history: OBCs of adoptees were sealed in New York in 1936, not 1935 as is frequently, erroneously stated - even by legislators (for verification, please consult McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York, Public Health Law §4138). The court records were sealed in 1938. As an advocate for adoptee rights, I hope to come across as well informed as possible; inaccuracy about one fact might create the impression I am mistaken about other aspects of this issue. Please spread the word!

Adoptees’ Identity Workshop Thank you for that clarification! That must mean the bill was signed in 1935 and became law the following year. I will make that correction in my articles as well!

Jennifer Sarro… I appreciate your interest in the subject! So here's the scoop: 1935 was notorious as the year a variety of the so-called "Holley Bills" were introduced, but it wasn't the year the bill sealing the birth certs of adoptees was introduced, passed, or signed into law. Following receipt of a 1936 committee report recommending a uniform manner of issuing birth certificates which would not indicate the circumstances of birth, legislators drafted another bill. That bill, which ultimately DID seal adoptee birth certs, was introduced into the Assembly by Holley on April 23, 1936, where it passed on May 11, 1936. The following day it passed the Senate, and was subsequently signed into law by Governor Lehman.

Adoptees’ Identity Workshop Jennifer Sarro Where can I obtain copies of this? I would like to update my online articles in which I address this.

Adoptees’ Identity Workshop
April 17 at 11:19pm ·
We have a new website for people who are not on Facebook!

Sewing Souls Studios
April 21 at 1:11pm · Buffalo, NY ·
We are cancelling due to illness. Thank u for yur understanding.

Doris Michol Sippel
April 21 at 10:47am ·
I am sad to cancel today's Adoptees' Identity Workshop due to illness. I will post info on next months' event soon.

End…for now…more later!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Is family preservation the solution? Does it work in ALL cases?

Well some adoption activists think family preservation is the ONLY WAY!  They don’t want to CONSIDER that their suggestions are NOT applicable to all. Then they resort to belittling the efforts of others who are TRYING to care of those children in the world that NEED AND WANT A FAMILY…via ADOPTION!

I have NEVER had anything to do with Mirah. I’ve known that she and Joan/Doris are ‘on the same page’, as many of those anti adoption people are…but…NOT until Mirah stuck her nose INTO my business did I pay attention to her. That is why when it is appropriate I WILL comment on her comments.

In March 2018 I saw news article in which Mirah Riben commented on; she is an antiadoption activist. I commented on it.

Around April 20th 2018 I noted that our two comments were no longer on the news article. Good thing I kept copies of both our comments, for I feel that they DESERVE to be seen MORE. The article and the two comments speak for themselves.

Mirah Riben commented March 12, 2018

This is a noble and very well-intentioned attempt act and adoption helps many children in need. BUT....
Foster care is notoriously high risk and adoption - as exemplified by Mr. Koster's own experience, is also not a guarantee of a life free of abuse.
These are not the only solutions. Adoption, even when the adopters are good, caring, loving people is a solution that gives with one hand and takes with the other. It takes away a person's true identity and replaces it with a false one that states that he or she was "born to" his or her adoptive parents. This is a harsh and unnecessary price to pay for care. It takes away their heritage, erases culture, obliterates kinship ties, genealogy and vital family medical history. These are all powerful losses that have great negative impact on the lives of adopted persons and can endanger their offspring.
Why not walk instead to raise awareness of family preservation? To helping struggling families find the resources and support they need to remain intact - with assistance to do it safely for their children? Many states have found fostering mothers and their babies more cost effective with far higher success rates.
Why not walk to help find extended family for children whose parents are unable to unwilling to provide safe care? Walk to help provide funding for grandparents - aunts and uncles - to help raise their kin in need instead of placing children with strangers?
I hope that Mr. Kosters would consider these alternatives to adoption and foster care. A child in need should to have to sacrifice a life of not knowing his truth to be cared for properly and safely. It is not necessary nor in anyone's best interest to have their rights as protected under the 14th amendment taken form them without their consent and to be treated forever after as a second-class citizen with no right - in most states - to their own original, true, legitimate and accurate vital record of their birth.
Mirah Riben, Author, THE STORK MARKET: America's Multi-Billion Dollar Unregulated Adoption Industry

Gert McQueen commented March 13, 2018

Family preservation does NOT work in all cases. And actually it many cases having others ‘stick their noses in another’s life’ can cause more REAL long lasting damage! Think about that! How would YOU feel if someone (family or not) came into YOUR family/life and TOLD you how to raise your children? Or to ‘preserve’ YOUR family we will split your children up and we will raise that child but NOT the other child!
It happen to my family!
And what about step-parent adoptions? Blended families work IF others keep their noses out of it! A family member who didn’t like the fact that I was adopting my own children VIOLATED my parental rights and INTERFERED with my minor children!
It happen to me!
Mirah says… To helping struggling families find the resources and support they need to remain intact - with assistance to do it safely for their children? Many states have found fostering mothers and their babies more cost effective with far higher success rates.
To which I ask…Why NOT show us the REAL facts instead of just a statement? How many struggling families are actually REACHED and HELPED in the long term! Mirah and others like her are only interested in the so-called ‘false identity’ of adoption birth certificates. They are NOT out there doing the REAL nasty work of doing/caring for others that they tell everyone who is PRO-ADOPTION to do…namely get out there and TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE.
I would like to see more reports from these anti-adoption people about the REAL LIFE work they are doing to HELP people. What families have THEY helped? How have THEY helped them? Are they doing the grocery shopping, the babysitting, the care of the sick, the housecleaning and more?
Mirah and the others will NOT tell us or show us, because these people are NOT out there dealing with REAL PEOPLE AND THEIR REAL PROBLEMS. Instead they are on their computers fighting and arguing with GOOD people that are out there DEALING with the struggles of taking care of people in their families. Real people who just want to be LEFT ALONE to make their OWN DECISIONS about their families.
Utopian views that ANY person/agency CAN teach another to do anything BETTER are just as naïve and useless as wings on a pig! You cannot make any one do something they are either incapable of doing or just plain don’t want to. PEOPLE are imperfect creatures. Real world people have real world personalities and limitations. Real world people DON’T want to learn how to be better, in many cases they WANT to stay the way they are!
I know quite a bit about CASA, which does great work, but they are limited with the same limits that exists with ALL social services agencies and people; there are no laws or helps that will MAKE PERFECT PEOPLE.
Btw Mirah was it really worth it! Stop the BUTS…allow people to live their own lives and BUT out!