Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Why do certain religions have the NEED to destroy cultures, customs and languages, and force conversion on EVERY one in the world?



Note…this is an old file, from 2016, that I never finished nor put up but I still feel it is needed to be said and seen!

It’s a question that has been asked for over 200 centuries. The first eleven hundred years, were the Christian conversions, then came, in around 900, the Islamic conversions. So we have these two ‘salvation’ religions, each acknowledging and worshipping the SAME GOD, waring against themselves and the rest of the world!

There are basically two KINDS of religions; indigenous (folk/natural) and revealed (god spoke to me). Neither understands the other. ALL mythologies, including those of the ‘book’ (Jewish, Christian and Islam) tell the stories of HOW things began…there is no ONE truth. Most of today’s Jewish religion does NOT engage in converting the world and has maintained much of its folk/natural traditions, wishing to stay apart from the rest of the world.

I don’t have any answers to the solutions. Personally, I quit Christianity, took back my soul from Jesus, and went back to the gods and goddesses of my ancestors along with their practices that were forcibly condemned.

There are many stories, written and in film, that have portrayed these forced conversions. The following is about just one story.

Rabbit-proof Fence, a movie (2011)

Set in 1930s Australia it tells part of the story of forced separation of native families for the purpose of ‘civilizing’ the natives. These families are called the Stolen Generations. I am NOT discussing the story here just presenting my own personal commentaries.

The assumption that ‘native peoples’ are savages and uneducated and ‘need’ to be civilized comes from a so called ‘enlightened superior’ group of people or religion.

This civilizing of native populations has been going on through-out the world for centuries, ever since the Christian mandate to convert the entire world. The same is done by Islam. This story is relevant today because of the USA’s current policies on immigration mainly for the many ‘false’ narratives about immigrating peoples.

Forced separations is also used by some anti-adoption activists to show the ‘evils’ of adoption; the only point I wish to make on the ‘adoption’ angle here is that there are multiple reasons why there are so many children available for adoption and ‘forced separation’ is only one reason.

Some major points that this movie shows us;

Sexual behavior of people cannot be legislated; punishing people will not change a natural function of being human.

Separating children from families for the sake of ‘indoctrination into another culture’ or as punishment, only produces more generational hate.

Moral standards are NOT ONE for all; there are many cultural standards that dictate a people’s morals.

Racial discrimination takes many forms; racial bias and hatred, racial engineering, sterilization, ‘for their own good’, removal of native customs, language and religions, forced slavery, forced customs, forced language, forced religion of the conqueror.

The Christian religion and Islam are a sickness of salvation that destroys all peoples.  






Thursday, February 6, 2020

Joan/Doris…her deeds and words will follow her forever!

Some words from my sister Ruth, via her Facebook page, Feb 2020…we shall never forget the behoto copies of the letters and put them in an envelope and mailed to them to me.
I took them to the District Attorney and they instituted harassment charges against her. BUT the judge dismissed the case - DESPITE THE EVIDENCE SHE WAS SENDING ELECTED OFFICIALS LIES ABOUT ME. One of the letters was to an person in upper management of my employer! The judge dismissed the charges saying "Sisters should get long." (yeah, my own sister).
This bozo judge, instead of censuring my sister, gave her permission to continue to harass me. The harassment continued for another 17 years. The last incident happened in late 2012, where she called my employer again - accusing me of committing computer fraud! My employer investigated the accusations and exonerated me.
During those 17 years, letters were sent to my husband, via his mother's house, telling him to break up with me. I received a letter from her in 1997, stating that my husband got the next door neighbor pregnant -- (a vacant house). And more false police reports.
She also wrote her autobiography, and had it published thru a vanity press. The book was 1/4 about her and 3/4 of trashing me, lying about me, and even mocking me about my miscarriage.I sent actual police and court documents to the publishers, proving she lied about me in the book, and it was successfully pulled from publication.
Since 2012, she hasn't done much, but I have no guarantee that she won't start up again. At least she can't call the hospital to get me fired anymore. When I retired, I took that toy away from her.
What would have stopped her behavior? A fucking couple of nights in jail right in the beginning. Instead, the judge, despite having the evidence right in front of her, dismissed the charges and allowed a narcissistic sociopath pathological liar to wreak havoc in my life for another 17 years.
WHERE was justice for me? Where was MY right to have a life where I could pursue libery and justice?
My sister's other beef with me is that when our mom died (I was 3 years old, she was 3 months old) our dad gave her up for adoption, but kept me, my older brother, and my two older sisters. (my sisters also were harassed by her, but I have been her main target). She views her adoption as herself having been 'legally kidnapped' and her life was ruined. And she wants to punish me and my other sisters for her being adopted out of the family, and we were not. Uh, we had nothing to do with it, I was 3 years old, my sisters were 8 and 9.
Early in his 2016 presidential campaign, I recognized the signs and pegged Trump as a narcissistic sociopath and pathological liar, long before doctors and experts around the country said so. Trump and my sister are mentally ill. Their brains are not wired like normal people. They do not think like normal people. They will NOT change. They do NOT feel remorse, they will NOT learn lessons, unless the law comes down on them hard.
One could argue that they didn't ask to born that way - they have a 'disease.' Fine - put them on medication, and when they break the law, behind bars.
I'm a victim of a mentally ill person -- but MY rights have been trampled on left and right since 1993 when my sister began her campaign of hate towards me. I've had her in front of judges 3 times. In 1995, 1999, and 2013. The judge in the 1999 case gave gave me an one year order of protection. The judges in the 1995 and the 2013 cases, both dismissed the charges.I was victimized by my sister AND the courts. Where are MY rights?
And now, in voting that Trump is not guilty on the articles of impeachment, the Republicans have given Trump permission to shit all over America.
I can't even begin to tell you how pissed and disappointed I am.

From <>

Saturday, February 9, 2019

A pretender who is just a copy-cat!

She even has taken to ‘look’ like the person she really wants to be!

She is the classic ‘kiss-ass-er’! Over many years, she’s ingratiated herself to several women hoping to gain fame and fortune! To no avail! There are a few that Joan/Doris has attempted to ‘overthrow’ with her dirty tricks but she’s never succeeded. And then she began to ‘cultivate’ Sandy and Mirah!

Regardless of what Joan/Doris says, she was NOT and NEVER was a major, or mainstream, adoption activist since 1974. She is an exaggerator! She was ‘found’ in 1974 at age 18. Her activism took the form of being ‘shocked and angry’ and confrontational to others. I know first-hand how her activism works for she interfered in my parental rights when I decided to adopt! She’s an intimidater, harasser, browbeater, bully as well as a narcissistic mal-contend who knows no-bounds when she is AFTER another.

Oh yes she has a Social Worker Degree…but she’s NEVER held down a job in the field because…of her on-going mental instabilities! She lets everyone know, of her mental problems, by her OWN reporting. She blames it all on the evil known as ‘adoption’! She has never been able to maintain anything for long without falling apart. She is a known liar! Her books are filled with lies and libel!

Joan/Doris is 63 years old. She’s been on SSI, that’s disability poor-person income, for DECADES, because she is incapable of holding down ANY JOB. She can’t even keep up and maintain any local meetings/workshops! She has NO income so she CAN’T go out of town to conventions etc. UNLESS she cons someone into paying for it for her; which she has done in the past to many other activists!

The two women I show here are the two that Joan/Doris wants to be when she ‘grows up’!

Joan/Doris’s past record and her present and on-going actions will forever prevent her from her big dream…to be LIKE Mirah and Sandy!

Mirah and Sandy and several others all have what Joan/Doris doesn’t have…respect and dignity.

Fact of life; both these women are in their late 70s and early 80s, both have had several medical problems in the last couple of years. So it makes sense that THEY are looking for younger people…but it isn’t Joan/Doris!

Joan/Doris will never be able to ‘take’ over the reins of these two women or anyone else.

Here’s is just a few sentences from Sandy’s call for someone to take over.

Doris Michol Sippel shared a post.
November 18, 2018
Sandy Musser   November 18, 2018
SUBJECT: THE NEED FOR ADOPTION LEADER (or Group) TO RISE UP AND BEGIN TO ORGANIZE A MARCH ON WASHINGTON FOR ADOPTEE RIGHTS! I would encourage and support anyone who feels they can do the job and get the ball rolling to set-up a Go Fund Me Page because funds wil be needed.

So…good luck to whoever takes over because you will have to deal with Joan/Doris on the fringes!

Joan M Wheeler/Doris M Sippel

                                                                      Sandy Musser

Mirah Riben 2018


Thursday, November 29, 2018

the government stole her identity???

She's at it again!

Always ranting about birth certificates! Okay she and others are entitled to their opinions!

Here's the on line may have to copy and paste into your browser.

Ruth and I have comments placed on the article. Here they are, just in case they 'disappear' from the article...

Gert Mcqueen
Oh for all the heavenly bodies! Can’t this woman and those like her just accept the LIFE they have and get ON WITH LIVING that life? She does this every November because it’s National Adoption Month! She does this every chance she gets because she HATES adoption. Her opinion and voice will NEVER remove ADOPTION from the human experiences.

There are MUCH more important injustices in the world, than a name change. WHY WHY WHY do they have to take up so much of their life-energy bitching about a NAME change. Oh I get it, I even UNDERSTAND IT, but this ‘battle’ doesn’t mean anything TO MANY others that have been adopted or SUPPORT adoption.

All her parents, birth and adopted, are NOW dead, so she can NAME them openly in print! How nice! Each revision of her ‘book’ contains lies about both families! How do I know? Because I found her when she was 18

and brought her BACK into the birth family; it didn’t have a happy ending! She has known who she IS since age 18, she legally changed her name, great! Now if she would just GET A LIFE and leave those who WISH to adopt alone, the world would be a better place!

Ruth Herr Sippel Pace
I think I understand, the need to know who we are -- but this woman has 'known' who she is since 1974 -- when she was 'reunited' with us, her birth siblings. She has had 44 years to reconcile her dual identity, and come to terms with who she is as an individual.

She feels she has two identities, no, she has two sets of names, her birth name, and her adopted name. She recently legally changed her name to the name my parents gave her at birth. Okay, fine, that's her right. But deep down, does change anything about her? The style of clothes she wears, the style of music she likes, her personality??

As far as I could see, her personality didn't change back in 1974, and I don't see it has changed since she 'reclaimed' her birth name. Her 'self' didn't change. That is a different thing altogether than working towards a better, more truthful birth certificate.

Gert Mcqueen
for sure it's self-flicted...she loves her pain

Ruth Herr Sippel Pace
to Tracy L. Hammond with all due respect: Baron just told you he is fine with who and what he is -- WHY do some adoptees feel the need to label adoptees such as he as misguided, when they say they are fine with their lives.

WHY do you say he bought into anything? HE says he is fine -- why can't you accept that?

NO WHERE is there any mention of a "societal mythology that if you weren't adopted you'd be: in a dumpster, living with a crack whore, dead, abused, in jail..."

WHY do some adoptees feel the need to tell others how 'uneducated' they are, and right away tell them they need to read this book, or that book?

Can't you just accept that some people (even some adoptees) might have done research, or perhaps they are content with their lives?

Baron Von Bacchus
to Ruth Herr Sippel Pace ....thank you...well said

Gert Mcqueen
to Baron Von Bacchus I adopted my son via step-parent adoption, he has never had any issues...the only one that did is the author of this disgusting article, she actually violated my parental rights by interfering with my minior children. There ARE real reasons for adoption and NOT everyone is suffering before they are adopted. Both Ruth and I KNOW the author quite well...she will NEVER change for she is totally in love with her pain of being an adoptee!

Baron Von Bacchus
to Gert Mcqueen I picked up on that pain thing....wholly unfortunate....oh well...everyone has their journey....

Gert Mcqueen
to Baron Von Bacchus the down side is that it is MY family that she lies about
(end of our comments)

But and as always when she gets resistance, from an article she has written, she enlists 'others' to help her against her nay-sayers...

Doris Michol Sippel  Please go to the comment section and comment! There are two ignorant comments on there from people who do not know the depth of this issue.

Right...just because someone has a different opinion they are 'ignorant'...she sounds like 'Trump'! And whom ever did 'comment' they were ineffectual!

In any event...this article, like her, are NOT any 'event''s just the same old, same old!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Another book by Joan/Doris…this time on abuse…how nice!

By chance, I came upon the following thread on Facebook. I’m not going to include ALL comments. My intent is to show the original post, a couple of back and forth between Joan/Doris and one whom she disagrees with (she always disagrees) and my own and Ruth’s comments. Also this is IMPORTANT because the 'torch' is being PASSED ON to Joan/Doris by Sandy...something that Joan/Doris has been wanting for a long time. But, she doesn't have the clean reputation that Sandy does! Joan considers herself a 'great' writer and champion for adoption reform. That is why she published three versions of lies against both her families!

Note also in the comments, what Brian Donahue says (I will bold them) as he is offering a valid point and Joan/Doris and Sandy REFUSE to acknowledge.

November 11 at 7:27 PM Sandy Musser Dear Adoption Adoptee Friends:
Over the last several years, I’d noticed that many of the adoptees who have crossed my path, had suffered Rejection from both their Adoptive Parent(s) and their Natural Parent(s).
I remember thinking how difficult it would be to have rejection from both sides (whether it be one parent or both) so I began to ask some of them if they would be willing to share their stories. Within a short time several responded, and we got the ball rolling! But not too many months later, I began to have memory problems and eventually diagnosed with “mild cognitive/pre-dementia”. It made me very aware that It was time for me to cut back on my work.
I knew I wanted to call on someone who would be able to jump in and pick up where I had left off, and move forward with the project. I called on a close adoptee writer friend, who I’ve known since the late 70s/early 80s, to see if she would be willing. She said she’d be happy to do so, which took a big load off my shoulders.
We just chatted recently, and it should be wrapped up soon after the first of the year. I’m sharing this info with you now because we also discussed, and decided, that the issue is so important that it can (and should) become a series.If this fits your experience and is something you wish to share, please contact either one of us on Messenger — or even if you have questions. Thanks

Kelleen Carter Hey you finished it..can't wait to read it

Doris Michol Sippel Nope! We need 1 more contributor to make the 10th! We are looking for that ONE MORE PERSON! If we get 20 more contributors, we can make a series of books!

Brian Donahue I hope you will present points of views of differing experiences of adoptees. As you know, I fully understand and feel 100& it is best for children to be raised with their first parents, and if not, that they be placed with relatives or family friends. However when this can’t happen, the children need permanency which includes adoption. Many adoptees have had safe and nurturing environments growing up. I would hope that is explored in the anthology. Adoption is not the preferred option but for some individuals it was/is the only option.

Doris Michol Sippel Adoption should never be an option. And you should know why!

Brian Donahue to Doris Michol Sippel I disagree that adoption is never an option. If a child is not able to reside with the first parent, is not able to reside with relatives or family friends, I do think adoption is appropriate. A child is better off being with a family who can provide for the child as opposed to growing up in foster care. I go back to what I wrote, adoption should definitely not be the first option. The goal should be that the child should be able to reside with the first family with services put into place. However there are children who are not able to safely reside with first parent, relatives, nor family friends. When that is the case, it is better off the child grows up in a family environment who can offer the child permanency. There are many foster children, and adults who grew up in foster care, who would dispute strongly with what you say. I would listen to them more than someone who can only think in only one mindset.

Doris Michol Sippel to Brian Donahue By now, you ought to know that all adoptions result in the revocation, sealing, and replacing of an adoptee's birth certificate. That is NEVER an acceptable violation of an adoptee's civil and human rights. Kinship care, legal custodial guardianship are safe alternatives to adoption.

Brian Donahue to Doris Michol Sippel I agree that birth certificates should never be sealed. Anyone who knows me, Sandy can attest, I have spent much time and efforts in the movement of having open adoption and access to the original birth certificates. I think there should only be original birth certificates but that is different than saying adoption is wrong in each and every case. I would not make that blanket statements. I would also say that not ALL individuals have sealed birth certificates. In my state alone any child born and adopted from 10/1/83 to the present do not have sealed birth certificates. This is the case also in Rhode Island, Hawaii, and other states. Again there are individuals who would say that they would have wanted to be adopted. The two issues of access to original birth certificates and adoption are not necessarily two direct connected issues. There are adoptees who have access to their original birth certificates. These adoptees would deny they were abused and neglected by their adoptive parents. One can’t make a blanket statement and say it applies to all individuals.

Doris Michol Sippel to Brian Donahue You misunderstand. The point is not that adoptees have access to their sealed birth certificate, there should not be an amended birth certificate at all. Adoption does that. Anyway, this book is not about that issue. This book is about adoptees who have experienced rejection, and or abuse or any type, from either natural family at birth or growing up that resulted in the adoption, or from adoptive parents or extended family, or both families.

Brian Donahue to Doris Michol Sippel, I wrote above that I think that there should only be original birth certificates and not have them amended. I agree for the reasons you have outlined. I believe in that very much which is why I have advocated for organizations, faith groups, and for foster/adoptive parents to become active in the movement.

I would also agree with your last half of the paragraph abuse and neglect can occur in both adoptive and first family home environments. The public could learn about varying experiences. What does concern me is this is not explained on your personal Facebook page. You write something different there than what you write above in the second paragraph. On your page it appears the book will be about adoptees who were abused and neglected by their adoptive parents only. I think if you want others than first parents and abused and neglected adoptees to purchase the book when it is completed you may want to capture what you wrote above in the last paragraph. If your anthology explained that in the details, it would have a further outreach to others who would purchase the book in the hopes of learning something and resulting in policy being formed in the future to help bring out adoptees’ messages. One should have a fair balance.

Brian Donahue to Doris Michol Sippel if it is balanced it will bring respectability and genuineness to the book.

Sandy Musser to Brian Donahue
In response to several of your comments, I thought I’d jump in. I don’t think that I have to tell you, Brian, that when the average person hears the word “adoption”, or “adoptive parents”, their normal thought process, or verbiage, is “what wonderful people who take in those unwanted babies and children.” They are usually looked upon as Saints!

Many of us have been around for a long time and have come to learn —- it’s JUST NOT ALWAYS the case, nor is it reality! People are People. The word Adoptive Parent does not automatically make them better!! You mentioned “permanency”, which is almost always used when the discussion of adoption comes into play, but in reality we ALL KNOW that there is no such thing as PERMANENCY - because there are no Guarantees.

There can’t be ANY guarantees because in any family setting there may be alcoholism, drug abuse, mental illness, anger issues, etc. etc. If we’re truly honest with one another, people are just people. All different, with many foibles, and since that’s the bottom line. It is why I believe so strongly that . . CHILDREN, in my humble opinion, SHOULD ALWAYS REMAIN WITH SOMEONE IN THE EXTENDED FAMILY; when you consider it, would be no different than Open Adoption except they would be Genetically Related FAMILY! Very important for every child’s Well Being!

At this late date in my long journey, I’m fully convinced, and have been for some time, that closed, sealed, secret adoption must be ABOLISHED. It has created many more problems than it has solved, for many caught in its web! Permission is granted for anyone to copy and paste this post if it will open up others’ understanding. Sandy Musser

Doris Michol Sippel We have our 10th contributor! Tracy L. Hammond!!! That closes contributors for this first book, which I can get published by the end of December or very early January! If anyone else, or a bunch of people, want to to contribute to another volume, please do! As Sandy says, we can do a series!

Ruth Herr Sippel Pace to Sandy Musser says: "Over the last several years, I’d noticed that many of the adoptees who have crossed my path, had suffered Rejection from both their Adoptive Parent(s) and their Natural Parent(s)."

sometimes there is another side of a story -- how the 'rejection' (after a reunion) by the Natural 'collective family' sometimes comes about when the found-adoptee turns out to be an abusive person?

When a person comes into my life, and that person engages in anti-social behaviors, such as lying, manipulating people against each other to create strife, STEALING, harassment, STALKING (repeatedly calling a person's job with lies to get them fired), sending letters to a woman and telling that woman her husband got the next door neighbor pregnant (when the house was vacant); -- well that person gets booted OUT of my life. Even if that person IS related to me.

And if that person is an adoptee, and my booting them out of my life is considered 'rejection' -- well they need to suck it up and accept the consequences of their actions.

An adoptee's 'pain' is no excuse to abuse others and expect another person to roll over and accept that abuse. I'm sure this comment will be deleted, because sometimes people cannot or will not face the truth. -- but at least I try to get another perspective out there.

Ruth Herr Sippel Pace regarding my statement about adoptees dealing with rejection issues (from natural families and adoption families): I was speaking from my point of view of someone (me) who DID reject an adoptee -- post reunion. Because of HER behavior, not because she was an adoptee. Not all adoptees are in a reunion, or even have sabotaged their own reunion.

Again, I was speaking of only the dynamics involved in MY experience with a particular adoptee, I was not speaking of ALL reunions or adoptees.

The particular adoptee I was speaking of, Joan Mary Wheeler/Doris Michol Sippel WAS extremely abusive to me, and other members of both her adoptive and natural families. If she is experiencing feelings of rejection by people after they have gotten to know her or have been involved with her, instead of whining that "my birth sisters wanted me to behave a certain way," (quote from her book Forbidden Family), she needs to look in the mirror and see what she has done to make people from not only her adoptive and birth families, but friends, neighbors, acquaintainces, boyfriends, --- tell her to get lost and/or run the hell away from her.

The way we 'wanted' her to behave is how everyone expects other people to behave towards them: with respect, kindness, love. Not being lied to, stolen from, harassed, stalked, also helps in any relationship.

I should have made these points clearer. And I apologize for making this personal -- but just wanted to clear things up. -- An adoptee fb friend of mine told me yesterday -- "this is an abusive person problem, not an adoptee problem" -- and she is correct. I am only speaking out because this particular person is abusive, is an adoptee, and does not alway tell the complete story, and has in the past told other adoptees to go after me. 'shut her blog down' etc.I had many obscene comments placed on my blog by adoptees. And it seems strange to me that this abusive person is the one publishing this book. I apologize for lumping all adoptees into one category. I have contacts with other adoptees on facebook, and they certainly are not like this person.

Gert’s comment
I am one of several birth sibs to Doris M Sippel, adopted name Joan M Wheeler. Joan legally changed her name back to birth name a couple of years ago.

To many the party line is that adoption is evil and it should NEVER be used! I don’t believe that for one second! ABUSE happens to anyone by anyone! If Joan/Doris was abused it was from the adoptive parents/family! Abuse is ALSO a LEARNED BEHAVIOR. In my family we were NOT ABUSED, we did NOT LEARN ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR. Joan/Doris did NOT live in the same home environments (plural) that her sibs lived and that is WHY she had NO IDEA on how our social behaviors were, how we don’t TOLERATE abusive behaviors to us.

We, birth sibs, found her in 1974 when she was 18. Over time it was Joan herself that ABUSED each and every birth family member, including our father. Over decades each and every family turned their backs on her, including our father when she FIRST published the lies about our family in 2009 because of her insults and lies! Our father REMOVED HER as a child of his on his obit because of that FIRST publication.  Joan/Doris broke the contract with the first publisher that ‘all’ was true, but once the publisher SAW documents, from the family, they terminated publishing that lying book! Years later Joan/Doris created Identity Press and RE-PUBLISHED the same book, with more lies, TWICE MORE. And now she’ll do it again with this attempt.

Joan has a ‘hard on’ against adoption and she MAKES UP STORIES to prove her assertions that adoption is an evil! Believe me the birth family KNOWS her quite well and have been the target of her abuse since 1974!

I know about foster care and know the value of adoption in many cases but leaving facts of how the birth family was devastated and sibs placed out, etc etc, when our mother died and the reason WHY Joan was placed into adoption, for another time…

I myself ADOPTED my own child via step-parent adoption. But Joan, in her 20ish wisdom, deemed me to be an unfit mother for ‘giving away my child’ (on paper) and adopting him giving him a FALSE IDENTITY. She furthered this with alienating my minor children from me, behind my back, VIOLATING my parental rights. Then sued me in Family Court wanting to take custody, she failed the home study. I had to place my child into a PIN circumstance to protect her…but Joan wrote that my children ‘were taken away from me’…WRONG, I placed my daughter in a PIN for protection AWAY from Joan! She said that the reason why my daughter was NOT adopted was because of abuse by my husband…WRONG. It was both my children’s  CHOICE to be or not be adopted, they were over the age of 14 and HAD TO GIVE THEIR OWN PERMISSION. Plus my family had gone through a very extensive BACKGROUND check…but none of that was good by Joan’s standards…she hates adoption, period! The overall effects of Joan’s abuse to me and my family ripped my family apart. She lies, in print, that I sexually assaulted her and made her smoke pot and that my daughter was sexually abused by my husband and son! All wrong!

I am close to 72 years old and amongst things I just finished a 200 hour (9 month course) for yoga teacher certification! I have a very active wide life. My partner, age 78, JUST finished radiation treatment for prostate cancer!  LIFE IS TOO DAMM SHORT to waste on a crazy mentally ill (documented by herself) narcissistic socio-path that wants to spend her entire life fighting others who DARE to adopt and love and care for children!

You will NEVER stop the institution of adoption and will NEVER ‘teach’ others by your tactics of brow-beating and hate-mongering. I’m seen far too much since 2009 when Joan first published lies about the birth family after we all dealt with her abuse since 1974 and we have tried to get her out of our lives! But because she’s a crazy she keeps coming back and back and back with more outrageous lies about the ABUSE SHE GOT. HAVE AT IT! See where all this gets you when you are on your DEATH BED ALL ALONE.
End of thread…

Gert again... According to Joan/Doris ‘dead people can’t sue and neither can their heirs’. Conveniently all the parents are DEAD and well who has $10,000 to sue? So now she can say whatever she wants about dead people and continue on with lying and destroying people’s lives and reputations.

Monday, June 25, 2018

She NEVER LIVED in Liverpool England

What a fool she is, always trying to impress people, with her lying!

Today, June 25, 2018, Joan/Doris said this...

Nice to see Paul in Liverpool! I lived there for a short time in 1976 and again in 1979.



I VISITED several places in England, including Liverpool but I NEVER LIVED IN ANY OF THOSE PLACES.

I'm sure anyone who has ever VISITED someplace will agree that a VISIT is NOT the same thing as LIVING SOMEPLACE.

If she LIVED in Liverpool she would have NEEDED a vista and an ADDRESS of residency.

She's a fucking idiot!

Broken? because of separation anxiety???

Yes, there is a lot that is broken in the world today; most that is broken will never be fixed! We don’t live in a utopia. Humans have, and will continue to have, many problems that they have to live with, overcome, ignore…somehow, or they will always be broken. Some make it, some don’t!

There is no ‘one size/answer’ that will fit or fix all.

If you think you are broken then NOTHING WILL HELP YOU!

You are a doomed unit. If every waking moment of your life is filled with doom and gloom ERUPTING at every broken thing in the world you might has well just give it all up! But wait…

many use the doom and gloom and the triggers as a MEANS of staying alive and saying that I’m still alive! These types are NOT happy unless they are BROKEN. They love their BROKENNESS and look for opportunities to stay in touch with their BROKENNESS.

Your mind is your best friend or your worst enemy…it’s up to you how you use your mind.

Found the following, by legitmatebastard, who is Joan M Wheeler/Doris M Sippel,
and who can’t or won’t TURN OFF her BROKENNESS.

I present my commentary first (not placed on that blog post) and then Joan’s (which is on that blog post) after mine.

Sure, this immigration policy sucks! It’s wrong! But to internalize it and make it YOUR’S is also wrong!

Joan/Doris is guilty of sucking up tax-payers dollars with Medicaid paid mental health therapy for DECADES. She NEVER gets better because she looks for and feeds off of every trigger she can find. Why aren’t people outraged at that? She uses PTSD and therapy as a life-style!

I sure hope that the ‘job’ she has is known to Social Services Disability! And that her check is deducted accordingly for the $$$ she is earning! Are the Social Services Police agencies checking on her status? Sure hope so for she’s a drain on the Federal Budget!

She and others like her believe they are the only ones to EVER have suffered from any kind of separation anxiety!

I was separated from my mother via death and later from my father, because of several broken family circumstances. I lived in a foster home! I was separated from my siblings! And yes I suffered from separation anxiety issues as well! But dammit those events do NOT run my life.

Joan/Doris didn’t give a thought to how she was causing ‘separation anxiety’ between me and my minor children, when she decided that they NEEDED to be removed from me, because she BELIEVED that I was an unfit mother! Why?? Because I was adopting! She didn’t care how MY children felt, then or now, about how SHE destroyed our family unit and my children’s lives. She NEVER thinks about how she caused SEPARATION ANXIETY to my children!

Joan/Doris didn’t give any thoughts about how she was causing ‘separation anxiety’ between herself and her children when she routinely IGNORED them to write her fucking lying book! Or when she screamed at them for being little kids, or when she screamed at their father for being a lousy father/husband! Both Joan’s children have had NOTHING to do with her for decades!

Joan hasn’t a thread of authenticity to comment on ANYTHING. She is a broken sick person, by her own admission. Joan is a walking SEPARATION ANXIETY POST CHILD and she LOVES it.

So if she wants to stay sick STAY sick and let every trigger get to her.
Hope she NEVER has a minute of peace!

But…if she wants peace, then she NEEDS to stop thinking she is BROKEN and turn that process around. Get a life! Find a life! ...End

legitimatebastard  June 24, 2018 at 3:10 am
I’ve been having nightmares, crying at odd times – while driving or doing chores, and feeling anxiety all the time. It’s the constant feeling of re-living my own loses as that infant who lost her entire family, coupled with seeing or hearing the cries of the children being separated now. I’m triggered back to a space I’d rather not be. Sure, we can write our blogs, work on activism, reflect one our own lives as adoptees, yet, for me, that stuff doesn’t effect my day to day life as this new, immigrant separation news does. I brought this to my therapist’s attention. We both know I’m back into PTSD reactions.
I feel so sad for these children, and for their parents. And then I just get numb. Can’t do anything about it all, then I shut down.
I hate it all.
Sometimes, when I think my life is normal, that I have a normal day at work, for example, I come home to realize, no, no, what happened to me is not normal. It is not normal to be separated from your family at infancy to be raised with a new name and family. It’s not normal what these children and parents are going through. This is a mess.
End of her statement. 
End of post