Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Why do certain religions have the NEED to destroy cultures, customs and languages, and force conversion on EVERY one in the world?



Note…this is an old file, from 2016, that I never finished nor put up but I still feel it is needed to be said and seen!

It’s a question that has been asked for over 200 centuries. The first eleven hundred years, were the Christian conversions, then came, in around 900, the Islamic conversions. So we have these two ‘salvation’ religions, each acknowledging and worshipping the SAME GOD, waring against themselves and the rest of the world!

There are basically two KINDS of religions; indigenous (folk/natural) and revealed (god spoke to me). Neither understands the other. ALL mythologies, including those of the ‘book’ (Jewish, Christian and Islam) tell the stories of HOW things began…there is no ONE truth. Most of today’s Jewish religion does NOT engage in converting the world and has maintained much of its folk/natural traditions, wishing to stay apart from the rest of the world.

I don’t have any answers to the solutions. Personally, I quit Christianity, took back my soul from Jesus, and went back to the gods and goddesses of my ancestors along with their practices that were forcibly condemned.

There are many stories, written and in film, that have portrayed these forced conversions. The following is about just one story.

Rabbit-proof Fence, a movie (2011)

Set in 1930s Australia it tells part of the story of forced separation of native families for the purpose of ‘civilizing’ the natives. These families are called the Stolen Generations. I am NOT discussing the story here just presenting my own personal commentaries.

The assumption that ‘native peoples’ are savages and uneducated and ‘need’ to be civilized comes from a so called ‘enlightened superior’ group of people or religion.

This civilizing of native populations has been going on through-out the world for centuries, ever since the Christian mandate to convert the entire world. The same is done by Islam. This story is relevant today because of the USA’s current policies on immigration mainly for the many ‘false’ narratives about immigrating peoples.

Forced separations is also used by some anti-adoption activists to show the ‘evils’ of adoption; the only point I wish to make on the ‘adoption’ angle here is that there are multiple reasons why there are so many children available for adoption and ‘forced separation’ is only one reason.

Some major points that this movie shows us;

Sexual behavior of people cannot be legislated; punishing people will not change a natural function of being human.

Separating children from families for the sake of ‘indoctrination into another culture’ or as punishment, only produces more generational hate.

Moral standards are NOT ONE for all; there are many cultural standards that dictate a people’s morals.

Racial discrimination takes many forms; racial bias and hatred, racial engineering, sterilization, ‘for their own good’, removal of native customs, language and religions, forced slavery, forced customs, forced language, forced religion of the conqueror.

The Christian religion and Islam are a sickness of salvation that destroys all peoples.  
